Tuesday, October 13, 2009

train yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thank you sensai james)

1: get a composition book, the .99 cent kind, and a good, stout pen that inks well and feels good, have something tangible in front of you if that helps and be prepared for step 2.

(13:05:29) PsyonicRutabaga2: 2: fill it w/flow charts and ideas that pop in your head, write them down so they exit the cranial chamber so you can have room for other shit that you come up with
(13:05:41) PsyonicRutabaga2: and don't get them all jumbled together

(13:06:24) PsyonicRutabaga2: 3: If you have an idea for a scene, related to some idea or not, WRITE IT, nothing gives you a boner more than a scene that rips shit up like jubei

(13:07:03) PsyonicRutabaga2: 4: Be prepared to abandon everything

(13:07:14) PsyonicRutabaga2: 5: Follow your instincts

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