Wednesday, October 14, 2009

sorry i sent that before it was ready... anyways, one of my hobbies

is to combine anniversaries for any given day and either draw or imagine what the scene would be like:


1. darwin & lincoln were born on the same day - artwork: idea 1 is an image of monkeys re-enacting the civil war, idea 2 is a finch with a stovepipe hat and a lincoln beard

2. gay flag day and custer's last stand were on the same day - artwork: custer waving a rainbow flag and while fighting off native americans

3. TODAY is the day winnie the pooh was first published AND when chuck yaeger became the first person to break the sound barrier, the obvious artwork is a picture of winnie the pooh flying an expiremental jet craft

see? its fun! :-P maybe if i collect enough I can make some nice artwork and make a calendar

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