Tuesday, October 20, 2009

eat mor chikn!

Ryan: morning

me: good morning sir

i am reading about insular evolution

Ryan: what;s that

me: its about the way things evolve when cut off from external influences

like, the evolution of an ecosystem on an island

it is really awesome


Ryan: that does sound awesome

unfortunately i'm assuming this has to be mostly theoretical?

me: nope

check this

the Dodo

evolved from a regular sized Pidgeon

me: if there's a lot of food on the island, then the animals grow huge

if the food supply is limited, they end up really small

me: there was a giant species of owl in cuba

birds and rodents grow big on islands

while other stuff shrinks

miniature elephants, etc

if there is a ton of food and no predators

things grow giant

giant turtles, etc

i don't know why people think evolution and God have to be mutually exclusive

i think evolution shows the glory and power of God

Ryan: that came out of nowhere

i did see your FB status though

are you being sarcastic?

me: no

Ryan: fair enough

but i thought you didn't believe in God

me: i have no way to know if God exists or not

if God exists, then what he has done

is beautiful and miraculous

elegant and sublime

thinking about the creation of the universe washes me w/ a feeling of awe and wonder

i believe that the origin of the universe is one thing

one thing that has branched out into infinite things

me: its physics - 4 forces (coming from what i believe 1 source, the unified field) causes everything to happen, everything to exist

God didn't have to create everything one by one, he just had to perfect that one tiny part, the one "law" that dictates the way reality works

and everything spreads from there, grows, evolves, takes form

me: i'll tell you something, my research into quantum physics and evolution has turned into a spiritual endeavor

Ryan: that's cool

it's really hard for me to believe

but i still keep a little faith

Ryan: i work with a pretty staunch athiest

he's awesome

me: yeah?

Ryan: but he always gives me crap for eating Chik-fil-a because he says it's a christian organization

i'm not sure about that one

me: lol

are you christian?

Ryan: yeah

me: eat mor chikn

Ryan: i love chicken

lol you try to get all philosophical on me and i turn it into food

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