Sunday, November 8, 2009


So this morning I thought I'd try a ranked game of nba 2k10 for the first time. I was up against a guy with 15000 gamerscore and a profile filled with "I'm da #1 balla", etc. Anyways so the guy picks the lakers (of course) and starts running around as kobe jacking up shots and using isomotion to get cheap dunk. However... I play defense so it doesn't exactly work all the time... And on defense he played like a 3rd grade soccer player using kobe to run around and try to steal/block whoever had the ball. Needless to say I found open guys for 3s and layups. I just got the game and I'm not that good yet but I was up around 10 at about 30 seconds to halftime (5 minute quarters). Of COURSE the kid quits :P was there any doubt? This basically happens whenever I play someone online in a sports game.

Here's my problems:

If you're a "pro" and the "#1 balla" (please note pro designation is for hardcore gamers, I am recreational because I just enjoy playing, I don't mind losing fair games) then you shouldn't quit just because you're down a bit. Do people not know sportsmanship at all? What is the fun in playing for 10 minutes and then quitting just because you're down?

Also, for a so-called pro... He sure played cheap and ineffectual, if you're gonna try to cheese in a game, at least make it worthwhile!
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